About Us
Like it or not, social networking has become a
prerequisite for business success. At least this is the way that
most businesses see it, since they need to create, grow and feed
a number of social networks on a daily basis.
a result, most either concentrate on only one or two social
networks, or they become spread thin as they attempt to feed
multiple networks. Consequently their efforts to grow their
following and engage their audience isn’t noteworthy. This was
the driving force behind Working the Web to Win’s creation of
its award-winning Social Slam Dunk. The plus is that we’ve now
further refined this technology and have created several add-on
modules that take Social Slam Dunk to a whole new level.
For one, we decided to tie Social Slam Dunk directly to
our client’s blogging efforts. A blog is an authoritative post
that is the perfect content for any social network. Blogs are
social networks in and of themselves, so on top of providing
content to other social networks, they become the hub, the focal
point of the social networks. We have even created a new
proprietary technology that grows blogs’ page views at an
incredible rate. With Social Slam Dunk Plus, we’ve seen our own
blog’s views triple in as little as 60 days with this
technology. More importantly for our clients, everyone who is
now on the upgraded program has also seen their own blog’s page
views grow exponentially. Case in point, one of our client’s
page views jumped from 760 to 2,100, in just 60 days. On top of
this, we’ve added specific Facebook add-in modules that provide
customers with a very effective way to engage in scratch-off
games, couponing, and customer loyalty programs … all at an
attractive price point.
Social Slam Dunk Plus is a proprietary methodology that
provides organic social network growth and blog page views at a
specific rate, for a specific industry, in a specific region,
over a specific period of time. It also automates and
systematizes the process of feeding as many as five social
networks simultaneously, while building a robust blog following
at the same time. We named the service, Social Slam Dunk Plus,
because it’s even better that our previous program, which was a
winner in last year’s Biz Tech awards for Best Use of Social
Media. If last year’s Social Slam Dunk took home the bacon, then
our newly upgraded Social Slam Dunk Plus service provides the
entire breakfast buffet!
The whole program is based on social equity and the laws
of reciprocity. We apply word-of-mouth marketing to social
networking and blogging in order to produce tangible results.
What makes us unique in the world of mass media marketing, is
that we can provide guaranteed measurable growth for social
networks, including Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Blogger. The
guarantees are based on generating a minimum number of organic
followers, likes, connections, page views etc., while
concurrently building a blog following week after week. If for
some reason, we don’t reach our monthly target, the customer
doesn’t pay for the service until we make up the difference.
Another important difference is we stress to our clients
that social networking is more about farming than it is about
hunting. It's about reaping what you sow ― by growing you’re
following, cultivating relationships, and building trust. This
goes both for followers and social partners that share your
posts. The process engages customers, prospects, and social
partners while raising a business' credibility. This makes it
easier to convert prospects into customers, and for businesses
to grow their following.
Fact: In the four years we’ve been providing this
service, we’ve always met or exceeded our contractual
obligations. In fact, we usually exceed our clients’ growth
goals by more than 33%. For our and our clients’ blogs, we have
exceed the growth goals by 300% and in a few instances, we did
so by 425%.
Another great aspect to Social Slam Dunk Plus is it’s
affordable. An entry level managed account costs $300 a month.
This includes copy editing, publishing, social posting and a
managed twitter account. A bundle of three accounts can be
managed for $600 a month. If you add ghost writing to the blog
publishing, the monthly fee still comes in at under $1,100 with
four ghost written and published articles along with the social
management and curation.
Our in-house use of social media has allowed us to get
our message out to thousands of people quickly. In the four
years since we’ve been using it, we’ve amassed a network of over
65,000 social network followers. This significant network also
allows us to help clients that are new to social networking.
Normally, a business that is new to social networking can only
reach the followers they are directly connected to. With our
system, they get plugged into our following as well, so they
immediately have a reach of 65,000-plus followers. Our new
blogging technology has also had a tremendous impact on our own
social growth. We’ve used our new Social Slam Dunk technology to
take our blog from a monthly average of 3,600 page views, to
over 12,200 pages views on average each month, in as little as
60 days.
All of our clients use social media. It’s one of the
four pillars of our integrated Flex plans and Club W Cubed
programs. The four pillars include Blogging, Video, Social Media
and Organic Back Links.
Google wants to see organic
social network interactions, so we make sure our clients
participate in what Google wants. Today, 100% of all of our
client agreements include some social networking as part of
their plan. The blogging component is used by 95% as well, and
in some instances, the client writes their own blogs and we copy
edit and enhance them with Social Slam Dunk Plus.
This means it impacts every transaction
we do, and this, in turn, makes our clients happy. It also makes
up about a half of our total income at present.
We currently have several Page One positions for
ourselves and our clients. We wouldn’t have been able to archive
this without our proprietary, integrative approach. Social media
is a vital component to our integral approach of content
marketing. We often compare blogging, videos and back links to
the melody and harmony of the content we produce. Similarly,
social media is the drum beat, the pulse that consistently pulls
it all together. Without social media, getting on Page One of
Google search would be much harder and would take far longer. By
adding blogging as the focal point, we now create another place
to grow more followers and get more page views, two key things
every business is looking for today.
Our system of social networking provides four important
functions for the clients. First, it provides a continuous
stream of relevant and timely content, both to their blog and
their social nets. Second, it enables them to reach to large
numbers of people. Third, it provides relevant back links,
which, in turn, help raise search ranking position. Fourth, it
creates a large number of page views for very little money.
The last item worth mentioning about Social Slam Dunk
Plus is that our own and all of our clients’ social posts and
blog page views can be tracked and measured in a number of ways.
The top social networks, including Blogger, have built-in
analytics to measure growth, engagement and viral interactions.
On top of that, we use Google Analytics to tie them together.
Our system also takes advantage of tracking clicks with
We can always tell if a business’
social network efforts are actually working for our clients.
The bottom line for Social Slam Dunk Plus is that it’s
more comprehensive and further-reaching than its earlier
version. Social Slam Dunk It was a good value for the money
before. Now Social Slam Dunk Plus is awesome! Clients receive
guaranteed organic growth, which takes the risk out of the
advertising equation. We can grow a client’s blog following
faster than ever now, and the combined synergy is extremely
powerful. Our system and dedicated efforts also feed clients’
social nets with a constant stream of valuable content, which
frees our clients up to manage their growing business.
Social Slam Dunk Plus is affordable,
provides a valuable service, and takes the hassle out of social
networking. Our system puts the clients' social media feeds and
blog creation on accelerated autopilot. It provides measurable
results that are guaranteed.
Clients reap a tangible benefit from
Working the Web to Win’s Social Slam Dunk Plus program.